Athlone Care Clinic

Positive Mental Health & Wellbeing Clinic


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Welcome To Athlone Care Clinic

If you have landed on this page, the chances are you are looking for support for yourself, your child or someone you care for. We have all been exactly where you are right now at some stage in our lives and we can assure you, we are ready to help you choose the right path.

At Athlone Care Clinic many of our therapists have had lived experience in their specialised areas and are best placed to fully understand everything you are going through. We also understand everyones path is different and we all deal/cope with challenges in different ways. This is why we are all highly qualified and ethical practitioners accredited in the relevant governing bodies. No matter what challenge you come to us with you will be greeted with compassion and respect from beginning to end.

We understand, the first time anyone reaches out for help we can feel scared, frustrated, anxious, hopeless or a little lost. It’s not always clear what help we really need or where to find it. Your bravery in taking this first step today will be one of the most important decisions you will make and it will ultimately strengthen your resilience for the rest of your life.

At Athlone Care Clinic, we provide a comprehensive wellness support clinic that covers a wide variety of mental, physical and emotional health challenges in life. Our professional care team all specialise in different areas of wellbeing ranging from life-coaching, Children’s Play Therapy, Adult & Child Psychological Trauma Therapy, Hypnosis, Mediation and Medical Massage Treatments.

Our counselling support offers you the opportunity to find out more about what could be going on for you or your loved one and how our treatments can help resolve these challenges.

Our shop offers therapeutic toys, tools and fidgets to help adults and children cope with anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder & Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder.

Unique to Athlone Care Clinic, we provide an ancient form of medical massage to adults and children. This ancient practice can help with muscle and joint pain, stress and tension relief, bowl movement and stomach congestion and serve as an important part of a healthy self-care routine.

Our Mission is to empower all people to manage their own wellbeing in a positive way. We are bridging the gap between therapy and the availability of therapeutic aids and tools for all of our clients regardless of age. We believe every person should have easy access to counselling services & the things we use to support you & your children during therapy.

Our Services


Flashbacks, nightmares and recurring, intrusive thoughts and images may haunt you. We can help.


Difficulty breathing. Overwhelming and impending fear may shatter your body.
We can help.


Feelings of endless dark voids or complete loss may consume your very soul. We can help.

Child & Adolescent Therapy

When no one else seems to understand what you are going through or how to help. We can help.


Research shows Children process their challenges through play. Professional play therapy can help your child get through loss, devorce, bullying and abuse.

Life & Business Coaching

With all that the seasons of life can through at you, we can guide you through it.

Athlone Care Clinic Gift Vouchers

While it might not be a typical gift, helping some attend counselling, hypnotherapy or any form of mental health therapy is an amazing gift. It might be that therapy is new to your loved ones, so a gift which allows them to try a session could be the start of an incredibly rewarding journey. It might be that your loved one already attends Athlone Care Clinic, so a gift which help them continue their journey will be warmly received.

Whatever your reason is for purchasing an Athlone Care Clinic Gift Voucher were here to help. If you have any questions about our gift voucher please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Free Online Resource

Central to our ethos at Athlone Care Clinic is sharing best practice research and free resources to help support everyones wellbeing. Our experianced care team regularly add new articles covering a wide range of topics. Our blog is your place for great resourses, support articles and more.

If you are looking for any information which is not covered in our blog, or on the website, please get in touch. We are always happy to help and point you in the right direction even if we’re not the right people to answer your query. You never know your question might result in a new article in the future which can then help other people! Please don’t hesitate to contact us on 090 645 5302 or by filling out the contact form here.

Our Care Team

Athlone Care Clinic is a well-established wellness clinic specialising in counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, medical message and training in psychological wellbeing. Our professional care team are all experts in their field with significant training, work and lived experience.

At Athlone Care Clinic we offer a holistic, client-centred approach where everyone is treated with respect, dignity and the highest standards of confidentiality. Our client’s needs are paramount and we tailor each support package to addresses an individual’s needs and goals. For every new client we undertake a detailed initial meeting, where we learn more about each client’s situation, needs, concerns and goals. We then recommend the service which we believe will work best for each client.

Every client is guaranteed open, honest and transparent guidance. We are here to support you at every stage in your journey.

Athlone Care Clinic’s Specialist Areas


Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy


Play Therapy


Gender Identity Counselling


Neurodiverse Counselling


Anxiety & Panic Attacks


School/Workplace Stress


Loss & Bereavement


Emotional, Physical or Sexual Abuse


Post Traumatic Stress


Life-Changing Diagnosis Support


Quit Smoking & Weight Loss


Stress, Burnout & Depression


Dream Interpretation


Animal Support Therapy


Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing


Cognative Behaviour Therapy


Life & Mindset Coaching




Professional Mediation Services


Autism Support Group


Medical Massage Therapy

Here To Support You



090 645 5302 or 087 2909 182



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