Success For Life
Many of us go about our daily routine without really paying attention to how or why we do what we do. Yeah sure we put in the hours every day, but is it enough? Are we happy with our progress or do we always fall short? If you wish to create “success for life” you need to begin celebrating the small successes in each passing day, instead of giving attention to the things we don’t get done.
What Is Success?
Put simply, success is “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose”. One of the great coaches John Wooden described success as “peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming”. You see, getting to the top of a staircase is an accomplishment but so is each step on the way, and this is the part I struggled with.
The ‘end result’ was what took all my focus, and when this is the case, the feeling of falling short and never having enough done are the predominant emotions and feelings. Noticing only what you failed to get done brings about that feeling of not enough, a feeling that does not serve us and a feeling that leaves us unfulfilled as a person. If we are to progress in life we must change our perception of success. We must notice and celebrate all of the steps on the way to the top of our stairs.

Notice The Steps
There was a time in my life when just getting out of bed was a success. Within seconds of opening my eyes my mind flooded with thoughts, thoughts of things needed to be done, the bills and general urgency. Looking back, by the time my feet hit the floor I was in a ‘stressed state’ and on a mission to get things done. This was my solution. To get absolutely everything I thought about that morning done and then I’ll be happy. The problem with this is the goals I set each morning as I lay there, were unattainable because I always set the bar too high.
It didn’t matter how many things I completed each day, I always fell short. I had the complete wrong approach to life and each day I ended paying attention to what wasn’t done, I didn’t notice the steps. This way of being compounds thoughts and feelings of not having enough, a state that attracts more of the same. Living in a stressed state will ultimately bring ill health but, what’s worse is the ripple effect of stress on the surrounding people. Let’s face it, none of us like being around someone who is constantly stressed.
Begin Your Day
Transform your daily experience by getting up as soon as you wake up, smile to the universe and move. You may be saying you have little to smile about but reel it in here a little, over one hundred and fifty thousand people don’t wake up each day. They don’t get another chance at life, at least not this one anyway and they’ll not see their loved ones again. Waking up is a gift, cherish it.
View life’s ‘problems’ as lessons and it will transform your experience, after all, every day is a school day. Learn from the lessons life presents, let go, and move on. Drawing a great big smiley face and placing it where you can see it immediately on waking is a great way to help break the negative thinking cycle, and reminding us of what we really want; to be happy and prosperous in every way 🙂
At first the smile may be encouraged, sometimes forced, but this doesn’t matter keep doing it as your brain cannot tell the difference. The effect is even greater when you look in a mirror and see yourself smiling. The next thing is to move, you’ve been lying in bed all night so your body is rested, right? Getting your heart beating faster by walking, practicing yoga, skipping or whatever floats your boat is a great way to awaken the bodies natural energy. Smile and be grateful as you move.
The Benefits Of A Smile
According to the Mayo Clinic a smile can bring many health benefits. When you smile or, laugh, your brain releases endorphins which, short-term, relieves stress and makes us feel good mentally.
But, smiling regularly has many long term benefits too, such as: A stronger immune system, helps with pain relief, increased personal satisfaction, reduces depression and anxiety along with the ability to lower blood pressure.
The positive benefits of a smile are undeniable and best of all, it’s free. Quote: “Successful people always have two things on their lips. 1 -Silence. 2 – Smile.”
Gratitude for the little things, the small completed steps along the way is what makes us successful. No-one ‘appears’ at the top of a mountain, no, they claim the mountain step by step resting along the way. Having gratitude for each step will ultimately give you more reasons to be grateful.

Start each day with a positive thought, one that empowers you, one that puts you in a winning frame of mind. Look at it this way, you reap what you sow. Would you sow a spinach seed if you wanted cabbage?, doubtful! The same applies with our thoughts, we can’t possibly expect to be happy and prosperous if we’re constantly focusing on and generating negative thoughts. Give yourself the best chance. Success for life begins with you.
What kind of seeds do you sow each morning? Are they positive? Do they match your desired outcome?
Thank you for taking the time to read ‘Success For Life’, we appreciate it :). If you have any thoughts or experiences relating to this post, we would love to hear them. You are on this page because you are searching for something more, something better than you currently possess. This is normal. It’s human nature to want ‘more’, we just need to go after our dreams in a way that benefits everyone. Climbing to the top is easier when we help each other.
Gerard Leijen.